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Benefits of Renting: 

1) Avoid the Initial Purchase Cost:

Purchasing brand new equipment can be expensive and can make a huge impact on your company’s budget. Moreover, purchasing equipment is a long term investment that ties you down to particular equipment items. Renting or leasing equipment avoids the upfront costs associated with purchasing, and allows businesses to better allocate their financial resources.

2) Less Maintenance and Repair Costs

When you own equipment, you also have to consider the cost of maintenance and repair. Although maintenance and repair is still important for rental equipment, costs will be significantly lowered compared to purchased equipment.

3) No Depreciation Costs

When you own machinery, you incur considerable depreciation costs. Reselling equipment, and maintaining it as long as possible, requires quite a large investment on top of your upfront purchase. As value continues to depreciate, it makes it more difficult to recover the cost of your initial investment.

4) Project-Specific Rentals

Typically, companies are balancing a number of projects at once. Rather than incurring logistical costs of transferring equipment and sharing them among multiple jobs, consider renting specific pieces of equipment for particular projects. This eliminates any logistical delays that you may experience, and provides each job site with the appropriate resources to get the project finished in an efficient manner.

5) Gain Access to the Latest Technology

When you rent equipment, you gain access to the newest equipment with the latest built-in technology. Technology has significantly advanced over the last decade, filling a vital need that contractors had to be able to manage their projects more efficiently and improve profitability.

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Affordable Latest Technology 


Reasons why people and companies rent instead of buy...

  • Saves money in many cases
  • Caters to short-term equipment need
  • Provides specialty performance
  • Satisfies temporary production increases
  • Fills in when regular machines need maintenance or fail
  • Helps meet deadline crunches
  • Expands machine inventory
  • Increases overall capability when and where needed
  • Eliminates responsibility of testing, maintenance, service
  • Makes the project schedule easier to manage with on-demand resources.