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Expert-Approved XRF Analyzers for Failure Analysis from Metal Analysis Group


Failure analysis entails the systematic collection and examination of data to ascertain the underlying cause of a failure. Root cause analysis typically entails a structured series of examinations spanning multiple disciplines. MES stands out by offering comprehensive materials testing and forensic laboratories, streamlining the resolution of even the most intricate failures under one roof. Our facilities encompass a range of tools and techniques, including light and electron microscopy, mechanical and electrochemical testing, chemical characterization, NDT (nondestructive testing), and environmental analysis. By pinpointing the failure's origin, we contribute to preventing future occurrences. Various methodologies are employed by failure analysts, such as Ishikawa "fishbone" diagrams, failure modes & effects analysis (FMEA), or fault-tree analysis (FTA). While approaches may differ, all aim to identify the root cause of failure by examining the distinctive characteristics and traces left behind.